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    Tobacco-Free Jacksonville is the community partnership of adults and youth working together to prevent youth tobacco use and youth exposure to second-hand smoke whereby youth conceive and carry out tobacco prevention. The purpose of the Tobacco-Free Jacksonville Coalition, Inc. is to promote a tobacco-free atmosphere for Duval County residents, to improve the health of Duval County residents and all Floridians though:

    • Significantly reducing tobacco use through prevention, education, cessation and policy promotion.
    • Decreasing environmental tobacco smoke through education and policy promotion.

    Tobacco-Free Jacksonville Coalition is a resource for public education on the health effects of tobacco and smoking prevention. Tobacco-Free Jacksonville Coalition supports legislative actions against tobacco.


    Tobacco-Free Jacksonville Coalition, Inc.

    (904) 686-6861

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tobaccofreejacksonvilleFL/ 

    Email: info@tobaccofreejacksonville.com